On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> In a message dated 9/16/99 1:55:11 PM Central Daylight Time, 
> << boot with rescue disk, fix lilo to point at the right root= change
>  /etc/fstab to mount the right root. ta da all done 
>   >>
> But what if don't have the rescue disk? Nothing I can do then?
Go DOWNLOAD a rescue disk image and MAKE a rescue disk! Or, if you
have a Windows machine handy (they're handy for this at least <G>)
put your Mandrake CD in the CDROM drive, copy the program
"rawrite.exe" from the /dosutils directory. Then, run rawrite and
tell it you want to use the file d:\images\rescue.img (assuming d: is
your CDROM drive.)
If you don't have a rescue floppy, you're SOL, AFAIK, or you can try
what I suggested earlier which is specify the boot point for your
system at LILO.

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