On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 21:14, Milos Prudek wrote:
> After using Mandrake 9.0 with kdm for a month without any problems, kdm 
> suddenly does not allow any window manager and always runs failsafe window.
> It could have happened after unclean shutdown, but I'm using reiserfs 
> journaling.
> I was able to run kdm configuration from KDE control center and create a 
> default kdm config, but it did not help.
> Is there a log file I could investigate, or any other way to 
> troubleshoot this, short of uninstalling kdebase.rpm ?
> -- 
> Milos Prudek
Change your current runlevels to runlevel 3 - make sure you clean out
any KDE nasties in /tmp - after you've reconfigured the KDM settings via
logging into the console and starting KDE with the 'startx' script a few
times (and rebooting to make sure), change your runlevel back to 5 and
you should be have your 'normal' KDM setup again...or at least the way
it was before it was broke...

Thu Nov 21 21:15:00 EST 2002
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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

"Violence accomplishes nothing."  What a contemptible lie!  Raw, naked
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