At 08:02 AM 11/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:
There could be several possibilities, some already listed here and more that
could be thought up. It may not be important to worry about it, Paul.
Assuming that you are doing regular backups and continue to run the computer
24/7, I would just let it be. My NT 4.0 server use to do this to me once in
a while when it had been several months since shutting down, and I had let
it go cold before booting up. My server is old stuff, so I am sure that it
was waking up like I do every morning, feeling my age and creaking a bit
here and there. :-) It would be more a concern if you now notice anything
new happening, idiosyncrasies or problems, that weren't there before you
shutdown. That's when I would definitely run tests on the hardware to make
sure that the shutdown wasn't trying to tell you of impending doom.

That's how I would handle it, for now.

Duct tape. It solves everything. Or so says my friend Red Green *Smiles innocently*

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