
If Gnome is the problem, leaving Mandrake won't help because all other
modern distros will use Gnome2 as well. Moving to a new distro would be
a pain and wouldn't get you anywhere, and moving to Winsux is out of 
the question. So what are your options?


On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 12:35:54 +0000
Len Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, that's it.  No more Mandrake.  Linux Format provided 9.0 on DVD
> this month, so I gave it a go.  Installation on my old Pentium III was
> totally painless, and DVDs are definitely the way to go.  Then up came
> the user interface and what a nasty shock that was!  I had seen
> complaints on the list about Nautilus and MetaCity but I had not
> imagined how bad Gnome 2 was.  A giant leap backwards.  All the
> freedom and functionality that I had been enjoying for six years
> suddenly gone.  Simply put, I cannot live with that interface.  My
> needs are few, but I insist on having control over my own desktop.
> The Gnome developers have completely lost the plot.  For people who
> must have a Windows style environment KDE was designed for them.  I
> would never use it, have never liked Windows.  
> This is what I found:
>       Double-clicks all over the place - I HATE doubleclicking.
>       No sloppy-focus aka focus-follows-mouse.
>       User cannot place images on the root window without going 
>       through Nautilus/MetaCity.  They get hidden by the window 
>       manager's own backgrounds.  Now, for years I have been 
>       compiling a collection of scanned calendar images (landscapes)
>       and astronomical vistas which I have been able to use as
>       wallpaper at whim, using my own little menu program.  I resent
>       being forced to jump through hoops to do something simple - it
>       is so Redmond don't you agree.
>       The font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.  This is the
>       first time fonts have ever been a problem, always crisp and
>       clear in both RedHat and Mandrake.  No doubt one can improve
>       them.
>       Icons all over the desktop.  I dislike floating icons and 
>       usually remove them immediately, preferring to invoke applications
>       from the panel (with a single click!).  And, this is the worst
>       bit.  The icons are all owned by root!  A user cannot edit the
>       preferences, or delete the icon.  For pity's sake, what are the
>       Gnome developers smoking?
>       There appears to be no way to specify the number of workspaces;
>       I normally have 6, the default is 4.  I suspect that there is
>       somewhere that this can be done, as root no doubt.
> What this means is that Mandrake has lost a customer, and others will 
> vote with their feet as well unless Mandrake or somebody influential
> applies pressure on the Gnomes to change their heading.  By my calculation 
> they are at least 90 degrees off course.
> I shall buy the 8.2 Power Pack, as a last gesture of support for Mandrake.
> But that is the end, finish, no more.
> Sorry for the rant - hope I have not offended anyone.
> -- 
> Len Lawrence

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