I convinced a friend of mine to try out mdk9 but she had an HSF modem and couldn't afford to replace it. Googled the link to Marc Boucher's driver for the HSF moden.... I installed the driver and ran hsfconfig to set the country code etc but kpp could not find the device ..... simple solution was to make a link in /dev/ to ttySHSF0 and run kpp again ....this worked like a charm... Works really well and saves going to the added expense of buying a 'hardware' modem.
It's often difficult to convince people to try 'nix' if they have to spend money replacing hardware that works (tongue in cheek) with the offerings form M$. It was a useful exercise in demonstrating how flexible linux is and how you can do it yourself to fix problems.

Franki wrote:

Just download the driver for your kernel version..


Then just install it..

rpm -ivh hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110300k2.4.19_16mdk-1mdk.i586.rpm

it will do all the work for you from that point... then just run kppp to
detect modem or use wvdial whatever...
I have done it many times and it works great.... Marc Boucher did some
fantastic work on those drivers.

good luck....



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Richard J A
Sent: Sunday, 24 November 2002 6:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] modem question


First off, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I installed Mandrake
9.0, and it installed everything alright except I have no idea how to get my
modem to work. So until then, I am back on this awful Microcrap XP. I
would appreciate any help anyone could give me, and in as easy terms to
understand as possible, because all of the help pages I have seem to talk in
a language that is far above my head :0(

My modem is Conexant Softk56 PCI so I gather I go here
http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/hsf/downloads-mdk-x86.html and download
kernel version 2.4.19-16mdk (I gather) after that I have no idea what to do.
How do I install that? I'm used to the simple and pleasurable clicking on
an upgrade in windows and letting it self install, but when I clicked on
this, it just asked me what to open it with, argh.

When I installed it, it would find that I had some other type of modem,
Eth(something) and would show I had an LAN whatever. I have no idea what
any of that is. Someone suggested I disable that then my modem will show
up, but as I don't know what it is and it all came with my computer, I have
no idea how to do that, so I'd rather stay away from that.

Anyway, if anyone can help me, I'd be very grateful

Thanks for you time
Take Care


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