On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 12:31, Derek Jennings wrote:
> I totally agree Terry. 
> After having used Mandrake for 18 months I thought had better check on other 
> distros, just in case I was being blind to their merits.  Red Hat 8 's 
> install went very nicely, and the fonts were great, but when I tried to 
> actually 'do things' in it I found I missed all the little tools and 
> facilities I took for granted with Mandrake. The package management for 
> example is dreadful by comparison.
> Libranet was nice, and the apt-get servers seem to be faster than the servers 
> Mandrake use for urpmi, but there were no tools for setting anything up at 
> all, and the menus contained entries for every darned utility installed!!
> So I guess I will not be changing distros soon(Especially not after having 
> just renewed Mandrake Club membership)
> derek

I still think that RH 8 is like Gnome2 - unpolished, unfinished and
pushed out to the public before it's time - RH 7.3, on the other hand,
ain't all that bad...happier installing it on systems than anything else
so far...guess I just got more familiar with it's idiosyncrasies and
it's work-arounds and can get it up and running in a production
environment quicker than the rest...

(BeOS was still hotter and faster, but those are bygone days)
Fri Nov 29 13:35:00 EST 2002
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