Thanks for your help, but Civileme's script seems to report every menu entry:

"...has been disabled
check your menus"

any ideas about "undiableing" them?


>If you are lucky simply running
>might fix it for you. (try it as a user, then as root)
>Also try removing that .desktop icon you tried inserting in the menu. I do
>know about Gnome, but I know that with KDE a corrupted menu entry will cause
>the entire menu to crap out.
>If you search through the archives
>(  ) Civileme once
>wrote a script to check menus for corrupted entries.
>On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 6:44 am, Morgan Read wrote:
>> I installed a programme recently, and noticed that the "GnoRPM" tool asked
>> me where to put a ".desktop" icon that turned out to put an icon in the
>> "main menu".
>> Frustrated at the clumsyness of the menu editors and intrigued that their
>> might be a process as straight forward as (and similar in simplicity to)
>> the mac's "apple menu" buried somewhere in the system, I went to
>> investigate...
>> So, I logged in as root and went sniffing around in
>> "usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus" and "usr/share/gnome/programs"...
>> And, now the "main menu" has disappeared!
>> No surprise to some I guess?  The only thing I changed was the "Gnome Color
>> Selector" that I opened in "gedit": changed the "comment [en_GB]" and "name
>> [en_GB]" to "Gnome Colour Selector" (fair enough, I thought...).  I opened
>> some other files with "gedit" just for a look, but closed them without
>> saving.
>> First, as I was browsing with "nautilus" in the "Programs" directory (I may
>> also have been browsing with gedit's file open dialogue) I noticed that all
>> the Mandrake menu's had gone (yup, I looked in
>> "usr/share/gnome/distribution-menus" before I looked in
>> "usr/share/gnome/programs").  Then, after I closed "nautilus" and "gedit"
>> and logged out of root and back into my account - holding my breath the
>> whole time - I found the whole "main menu" had gone.  I got an error
>> message that the "main menu" couldn't be found...
>> Any help with my "investigation" and putting the "main menu" back would be
>> really appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Morgan.
Morgan Read

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