wouter pos wrote:

Sequence of events of my installation? ok!!

Do I remember correctly , yours is a dual boot with W98 ?
If so I believe you may well have bios set for pnp detection,
as I believe w98 requires it. When W98 boot it looks back at the job
bios has done detecting pnp devices and incorporates that knowledge
into it's boot sequence, Mandrake doesn't need to do this, hence
all the nobiospnp business to /etc/lilo.conf  append= etc etc.

If you don't have w98 installed  and this is a dualboot with
slackware then this is maybe not the case, I don't know
anything about slackware, never having installed it. Possibly slackware
needs bios pnp detection, I simply don't know.

However just out of curiousity, and because I'm the kind of guy
that will experiment, maybe it is worth trying as an experiment,
disabling pnp detection in bios, and try booting mandrake just to see
what happens. If it doesn't work, no harm done just go back into
bios and reenable.

First i already had linux installed. It was the
slackware distribution with hda3 of 3.7 GB and a swap
space hda4 of 125 MB (TOO SMALL??????).

Well, it's not enourmous , but believe me you can boot a linux
OS on no swap space, I've done it many times, when for one
reason or another the install went wrong and I had to restore
swap mounting from desktop.
Swap space is mobile memory, similar but not the same as
windblows virtual memory, only in windblows it's a file
with preset expandible limits, whereas in linux it's a /swap
partition , if your swap space is to small it can be the cause
of lockups when attempting to do big numbercrunching jobs
like fsck, or something similar, but I doubt whether the
size of your swap space here is anything to do with the problem,
although you don't say what size you memory stick is,
maybe a question mark here ?

Ok the installation bootup went smoothly with a boot
floppy made with rawrite.exe from the mandrake site.
I gave an <enter> when the first screen came up (enter
or F1) and the installation procedure-screen came up
with the separate dots indicating the installation
your Mandrake cd1 would not  autorun ?, maybe you don't have
the cdrom drive in your boot sequence in bios, I like to
have , floppydrive,cdrom,ide, in that order, doesn't have to
be but it's nice to not have to bother going back into bios to
sellect cdrom and first boot device just in order to get the
Mandrake cd1 to run.

A <recommended> install was done and the <dutch>
language was chosen and i accepted the terms and
conditions. I chose an <install> instead of <an
upgrade> or <upgrade packages only>. I chose for <no
scsi interface>. And a <standard mouse> and a <us
keyboard>. I used the existing partition hda3 as my
root partition and hda4 as my swap space I formatted
it (them both).
All of the workstation possibilities were chosen
including both KDE and GNOME desktop. (All the server
options weren't taken into account).

The installation began and it took about 20 minuten
for 3 cd's.
difficult to say, 20 minutes is about how long it takes me with 1800
athlon processor with 512mb of ddr ram installing 2.5 gigs of OS,
I am guessing you are not installing anthing like so much, and
with a slower processor and less memory, it doesn't seem too bad
to me.

(Have i wrongly burned the iso-files to
the cd's? I have used Nero to burn the iso-files There
were no errors during this operation, though.)
Nothing wrong with nero, though I prefer linux's cdrecord for this job,
the nero version I have doesn't do 700mb discs , maybe yours does.

Then the root password was chosen and a user (just
one: me!!!)

The network was detected with a automatic detection
and my LAN was detected. ( We are using a LAN network
and we are running ADSL with 10 persons through a
central server running a slackware linux
Summary was excepted. (With the CUPS server runnign
for my canon bjc250 printer). And my audio card
(integrated) was detected (C-media).

The bootloader was installed: <Grub> boot <device
/dev/hda3> and delay of <7> seconds.

Bootdisk was made.

Installation for X was only the frequency with a
screen size <1024 X 768 : at 70 HZ> using a iiyama
this is screen resolution ( as against video resolution)not screen size,
otherwise good.

(not listed in iiyama list LS 902 UT). My
graphical card is integrate onto my motherboard. My
motherboard is an Asus a7n266 with sound but no LAN.
On the website my motherboard is not listed in the
hardware support list but the installation finds it
(Nvidia integrated Generic).

I have no experience with intergrated mobo screen drivers, but there is
a question mark in my mind ?  possible source of problem ?

my viewing size was <1024 x 768> at <65.000 colors 16

well the screen resolution 1024 x 768  is ok but the frequency is 65
where your screen freequency is 70 , I would like them to both be the
same value

so back in the section for screen resolution I think I would try to
find one that is the same  frequency of .65, not 70,
or else see whether your video card would support frequency

also colours 16 bit is pretty low, most modern video cards support
24 or 32 bits, but this would not be a source of your problem in
getting a boot at all.It would just give you poor colour rendering.

And i made a connection to download and install the
latest packages.

THEN ::: REBOOT floppy out of the drive. Grub comes up

LINUX is chosen and booting and my computer hangs with
finding modules dependencies.

This really is so much like the "nobiospnp" problem, this is exactly how
it happens, the OS is chosen from the boot list and long list of devices
is run past your nose , and it hangs finding modules dependencies
Mandrake hangs looking back trying to find bios pnp detection, and by
putting the nobios pnp in your append line this tells mandrake boot to
not look back at bios pnp detection.

However I suppose there can be the case that something else can
also give you this same reaction. I cannot denigh the possiblility.
but if so, what, because if it was your video/screen drivers setup then
I doubt it would hang here it would let you run to login and then fail
to reach desktop.


I really don't think you have done anything wrong as such.
It's just that your setup needs a particular way of being setup
with Mandrake.

After this i made an expert upgrade and installed some
more packages but it didn't made any sense!!!!

Yes,  I always go the expert route.It's the only way you are going to
learn anything.

So i booted with the mandrake bootdisk several
failuress come up dealing with the <modules.dep>

you are saying it doesn't get any further than by straight boot

then X won't startup and my </usr/src/"LINUX"> isn't

I cannot find </lib/modules/"2.4.5"/modules.dep>
This is <2.4.5> and not <2.4.16~etc> !!!!!
Can u help me?

Greetings and thank u in advance

Wouter Pos.

So to recap a bit. It seems an identicle explanation as to the
problem I had , with my 1800 Athlon AMD, and MSI mobo setup, I solved it by making absolutely sure that I added nobiospnp to my lilo.conf Append line = , stanzas in the mandrake lilo install programme. Now you say you are dual booting two linux
OS's and possibly if my memory is correct tripple booting
with W98, that's ok, but if you have two linux OS's then
maybe you didn't create a /boot partition. it I'm wrong here
and got the wrong end of the stick, and your simply dual
booting with W98 and M9.0 then you don't have to have a /boot partition, though it helps if you should ever want to add another linux OS at a later date.But that is another issue.

My best guess is that it's still something to do with the way you are adding nobiospnp to append= line in /etc/lilo.conf
maybe you could give us your example just to make sure.

Maybe the bios setting for pnp detection could be fiddled with
as an experiment.

After that I'm beginning to run out of Ideas, I don't have
a monopoly of wisdom and experience , maybe other list memebers
have had similar experiences and solved it another way.


John Richard Smith

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