I installed the NVidia XServer driver.
And, it looks like the XServer was the culprit. The result is like night and day.
Why this driver was not included is a mystery to me.

Derek Jennings wrote:
Looks like the core dumps are a symptom of something sick about your machine.  
Have you made any changes to central components of the software?
If you can find an application that crashes you can start in a terminal 
window, then you will often get a clue printed.


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:58 pm, kjc wrote:
The log out core dumps occur as well.
Besides that. My mouse freezes at the GDM login prompt.
I reboot to find all my settings have been lost (mail etc...)
And, this time. The GNOME task bar is missing.
I think that all of this is related to the XServer. It desperately needs
some work.

kjc wrote:
I found that the core dumps occur upon log out from both the task bar
and the pull down menu.
KDE 3.0
So I switched to GNOME 2.
Let's see if GNOME 2, gives me the same behavior.

Derek Jennings wrote:
Core dumps are an entirely normal part of running Linux. Anytime an
application 'segfaults' a diagnostic dump is produced.  If you run flaky
applications then core dumps are the consequence.

However ordinary users are generally not interested in core dumps and
wish to suppress them. This is easily done by inserting the command
ulimit -c 0  in the file ~/.bash_profile   for a single user, or
/etc/profile for all users.

Looking at my own system. My laptop is producing coredumps (because I
keep running Opera 6.1 which crashes regularly) and I can see the
current setting by typing ulimit -a  is to allow core dumps up to 1MB in

On the other hand ulimit -a on my desktop machine tells me that coredump
size is set to zero, and I am not getting core dumps.

So clearly there is a difference in the way my two computers are
configured. The only difference that comes to mind is that the /home
directory on the desktop was from a previous 8.2 install, while the
laptop was a clean install.

I will take a closer look to find out where the coredump size is being


On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 2:05 pm, kjc wrote:
I'm running the ftp 9.0 version.

Dennis Myers wrote:
On Monday 02 December 2002 06:09 pm, kjc wrote:
So far. Since installing MDK 9.0. I have experienced atleast ten core
dumps. While running various tools etc..
What is up with that !!!
What set up are you running? I have had 9.0 running since beta 1 and
through 3 rc's and a final and now the store bought power pack and had
no core dumps? I am always amazed at the variation in problems showing
up on the list, course it isn't any dif than problems associated with
that other OS as far as I can see, but it must have to do with the
possible permutations of hardware running the software.  Oh, I did
have a problem early on with shutdowns, but that was cause I put the
heatsink on my Duron processor backwards and it wasn't even seated,
hot stuff! Lucky the processor still runs.


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