On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 12:50, Terry Smith wrote:
> If you're making the changes and re-running lilo and not seeing any
> response then the 'lilo.conf' file you're editing must not be the file
> that lilo is using. Do you have a dual boot system? Do you have multiple
> drives? 
> Do a 'locate lilo.conf' (as root) and tell us what you see.
> Terry Smith
> Cape Cod USA

I would be rather surprised to find "lilo.conf" outside of where it's
supposed to live - at least a viable copy of "lilo.conf" - there has to
be more to this picture than meets the eye...

Wed Dec  4 16:00:00 EST 2002
   .o0 linux user:267497 0o.
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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

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