On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 07:00:38AM -0600, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2076592341
> Check out this sellers other items using the "view sellers other items"
> link on that page....
> Is this a person associated with Mandrake or did this person download
> the free thing (or even buy one set of disks) then make copies
> and is selling them?
> Hate to find out it is the the latter (not associated with Mandrake and
> is making a buck for themselves)
> What do you think?
> Steve

I don't so much have a problem with him/her selling CD's, but I do have
a problem with the blatant plagiarism. Nearly all the text that
describes the system is copied verbatim from the Mandrake website, as
are the screenshots that line the bottom of the ad. I mean, if you're
going to sell something that you can get for free, at least invest a
little time in making your sell a *little* more creative! I would also
be pissed if I found out that somebody was using my screenshot to sell
Mandrake (other than Mandrake) without my permission. Come on, you're so
damn good with it, take your own damn screenshot! Plus, it's only 2 CDs.

You could read Mandrake's website copyright policy:

"This website is produced by MandrakeSoft S.A. and MandrakeSoft Inc. with
the help of contributions from many volunteers throughout the world.
Except where otherwise specified, the contents of this site are
copyright MandrakeSoft S.A. Any use of this site's contents on another
website or in another format must be authorized by our webmaster. In all
cases, the use of any content from this site will mention its origin
including the URL mandrakesoft.com."

The seller clearly violates this policy.

Just my thoughts :)


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