Hi everyone,

I upgraded Spamassassin to 2.43 this morning. It complained about not having
a file PerMsgStatus.pm. I found that at CPAN.org and installed it, but it is
complaining still:

Failed to run DIFFERENT_REPLY_TO SpamAssassin test, skipping:
        (Can't locate object method "check_for_spam_reply_to" via package
:SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" (perhaps you forgot to load
rMsgStatus"?) at
m line 1822.

And more of that.

Now I found that the PerMsgStatus.pm file contains stuff that I don't think
should in there, for example:

=head1 NAME

Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus - per-message status (spam or not-spam)


  my $spamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin ({
    'rules_filename'      => '/etc/spamassassin.rules',
    'userprefs_filename'  => $ENV{HOME}.'/.spamassassin.cf'
  my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new();

  my $status = $spamtest->check ($mail);
  if ($status->is_spam()) {
    $status->rewrite_mail ();


The Mail::SpamAssassin C<check()> method returns an object of this
class.  This object encapsulates all the per-message state.

=head1 METHODS

I am not at all proficient in Perl, so is there someone here that can tell
me if this code is correct? I don't like all these plain english comments...
(All occurences of the file I could find have the same stuff in it)


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