Shutdown ends up in the same place using KDE or terminal shutdown. The system will reboot. In fact I reboot into Windows and then shutdown from there.

It was suggested in one reply that it might be my MB is not supported. In the shutdown the script reaches "Power down. general protection fault: f000, cpu: 0, EIP:" then a bunch of what appears to be memory addresses finally ending with "Code: Bad EIP value, /etc/rc0.d/s01halt: line 1 2829 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p."

The last part of the /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt file is:
HALTARGS="-i -d -p"
if [ -f /halt ]; then
eval $Command $HALTARGS

I have tried various combinations in the HALTARGS segment with no success.

Suggestions please.


Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 14:08, Gary Montalbine wrote:

I was thinking RAM. However I ran a memtest on it twice with no errors and I reseated the RAM. CPU temperature appeared normal but may need to check it under a load.

I am dual booting with WIN 98. Netscape 7 has not been stable in Windows. May be a common problem.


Ray Henry wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 19:53, Gary Montalbine wrote:

When shutting down M8.2 I get the following error msg: "/etc/rc0.d/s01halt: Line 1: 9361 segmentation fault halt -i -d -p"

How can I correct it?

I've seen similar errors twice (can't recall exactly), once was bad RAM,
the other was poor CPU cooling. Might want to start with those.....

Have you tried doing a "halt" from the console instead of the GUI?
You might be able to figure out a bit more quickly if you change the
runlevel to 3 instead of 5 (graphical) - then ya should be able to view
exactly everything that's happening while the "halt" is happening...BTW,
have you seen similar while doing a restart, or is this just when you're
doing a "halt" ?

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