Ralph Slooten wrote:

HI there all,

This last Friday night I finally got the chance to upgrade to LM 9.0. One thing that I realized almost from the start was a problem with mpg123.

At first I thought it had something to do with Fluxbox which I had to manually install (as it's not included on the CD's anymore :-( ). When I try invoke mpg123 via another program, in my case PSI sounds, each time there should be a sound (received message) I get a coredump. I traced it down to mpg123 which is configured in my PSI to run an mp3 sound. When I manually invoke the file via the console, it works fine. As I said, I thought this had something to do with Fluxbox, but when I logged into Gnome under a different account, I got the same there.

It seems that as soon as mpg123 get's invoked via another program, it crashes. Upgrading mpg123 to the cooker release didn't help either, as I get the same problem. To make sure it wasn't being excluded I included the full path to the file (/usr/bin/mp3123) and the file it has to play was also given in the full path.

Starting PSI via the console works, but not via a menu/shortkut. In Gnome
this problem was playing an mp3 via nautilus (IE: Double-clicking on it as
mpg123 is the default player).

Has anyone else had this same problem, and is there a solution? It seems that Mandrake can't live without mpg123 anymore, and trying to uninstall it results in RPM wanting to delete about another 10 packages, including gnome and all (not what I'm planning of doing as the girlfriend WANTS Gnome... hehehe)



So, if I understand you,
you have a working mpg123 but it does not play with other apps.

Does gnome have any way to enable/disable aRts ?


John Richard Smith

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