On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 06:23, rob wrote:
> I get the same thing here and I've just been ignoring it...
> Rob
> On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 10:20, Angus Auld wrote:
> > Greetings all, I have a question about an error that I occasionally encounter when 
>booting my Mdk 9.0 system. It also occurs sometime when shutting down too.
> > I am using an MS Intellimouse optical mouse, which I have connected via PS/2. I 
>was never sure as to what I should  configure this mouse as, and it was being 
>identified as a "generic PS/2 wheel mouse". It works great for the most part, except 
>I am getting the following error at times, on bootup and shutdown:
> > 
> > Dec 8 07:40:58 localhost gpm [755]:===ERROR===:[mice.c(1746)]:
> > Dec 8 07:40:58 localhost gpm [755]:imps2: PS/2 mouse failed setup, continuing    
> > Dec 8 07:40:58 localhost gpm [755]:===ERROR===:[mice.c(1755)]: 
> > Dec 8 07:40:58 localhost gpm [755]:imps2:Auto-detected unknown mouse type 250, 
>assuming standard PS/2
> > 
> > I find this error in /var/log/daemons/errors
> > 

After looking into it, it's I'm fairly certain that this can be resolved
by rebuilding the gpm configuration file (/etc/gpm-root.conf)

Overall, though, being that you don't use gpm in XWindows, you can
basically ignore it.

I use gpm to drive my mouse in my console because I abhor graphical
logins - so if it was ME having the errors, I'd be reconfiguring my gpm

Mon Dec  9 06:40:00 EST 2002
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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

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