On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 06:34, Ralph Slooten wrote:
> On 09 Dec 2002 06:20:35 +1100
> Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok - well, believe it or not, this just told me heaps. Now I'm
> > wondering if the mpg123 libs are what are the cause - because gmpeg
> > and mpg123 use the same lib base. Try adding the following in your
> > /etc/ld.so.conf and re-run ldconfig after you've done this - then tell
> > us if it works without the dumps:
> > 
> > --------in /etc/ ld.so.conf------------
> > /usr/lib
> > /usr/local/lib
> > ---------------------------------------
> Umm, yeah, I just did that (they weren't present there), and re-ran
> ldconfig, restarted PSI and tried, but no, the coredumps are still there
> :-(
> Ralph
> -- 

What about re-installing the RPM package(s) for mpg123 now?

Mon Dec  9 06:50:00 EST 2002
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Coralament*Best Grötens*Liebe Grüße*Best Regards*Elkorajn Salutojn

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4 people died.
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