I had mucho headaches with respect to both Postgress AND MySQL access.
Finally. I removed both and downloaded the newest versions from both web sites respectively.
I installed and configured them. Now I can access both with zero problems.
Also. You may want to have a look at firebird. It's another open source DB based
on Borland InterBase 6.0. You can find it at  http://sourceforge.net/projects/firebird/

Gordon Bradbury wrote:

I made some progress over the weekend. I realised I didn't have all the postgesql components loaded, incuding the docs, so I got them loaded. That put pgaccess onto the KDE menu. But pgaccess doesn't work so I suspect I still need to do some work with postgresql user accounts and stuff. I still haven't figured out this postgresql userid and passwords stuff yet. Still waiting for the penny to drop.

Also got webmin working but in trying to get postresql userids and passwords sorted out there I stuffed something up. Ahhhhhh!!!!

I'll keep at it thou.


So some progress but then some more hurdles to conquer

Colin Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/12/02 14:44:36 >>>
Hello Gordon,

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 9:47:35 AM, you wrote:


GB> I installed Webmin last night and (logged in as me) I typed in https://localhost:10000/. Said it couldn't connect to that host/port. So I logged in as root and tried there. Same result.

GB> Do I need to do something to set postresql up first? Hmmm. Any other ideas??

did you start webmin?
  service webmin start
Best regards,
 Colin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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