On Monday 09 December 2002 02:12, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
> I'd like to change my default browser from Konqueror. URLs in mail
> messages can be opened from within the message with Konqueror as
> the default browser. If I go into "file associations" and change
> the default browser to anything else here's what happens: Here's
> the URL for example,
> http://honestreporting.com/a/r/323.asp. With Konqueror as the
> default it opens and goes to that site. If the default browser is
> something else the browser opens, then I get:
> file:///root/.kde/share/apps/kfmexec/tmp/26647.0.323.asp, where the
> address should be..
> Konqueror is ok, and it's getting better with each release, but I
> don't like having no choice.

According to your message headers you are using kmail

So what you want to do is to change the association for html files in 
the KDE control centre

run kcontrol (no you don't need to be running KDE as window manager to 
do this)

click on FileBrowsing, then File Associations

expand text (click on the + next to it), then select html

you will see on the right a list of browsers on your system
The one on top will be the default, if it is not found the second one 
will be used. Now you can add browsers or rearrange them

I used this to set my preferred browser to galeon and that is what 
loads when I click on a link in kmail

Michel Clasquin

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