John Richard Smith wrote:
Daniel Buchanan wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Daniel Buchanan wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Daniel Buchanan wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Daniel Buchanan wrote:

I have a cd-rw and a cd-rom on my system.  The crrecord utility will see the burner but i can not access it as a regular drive nor can i access the cd-rom drive either.  I followed the directions on the x-cd-roast website as well as in the cd-re howto and i simply can not seem to get the drives to work the way i want them to.  I'm attaching the curent state of my lili,modules and fstab files.

If someone could tell me where i went wrong and also what i need to link cdrom and cdrom2 to so i can get full access back to these drives, i'd be really happy :)



disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80

I don't know what this is ?

append="hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi"

I would add this to the append=    line in each of the
stanzas below, not here, as indeed you have done to some  .

    append="quiet devfs=mount"
    append="devfs=mount hda=ide-scsi hdd-scsi"
    append="failsafe devfs=nomount hda=-scsi hdd=scsi"


I don't understand these, presumeably they are floppies
I would expect an entry something like this,
Your setup is unusual,so,
/dev/hda  is your rom or writer
/dev/hdb  does not exist
/dev/hdc  does not exist
/dev/hdd   is your rom or writer
/dev/hde  is your hard drive, and M8.2 is on hde5

which I do not really understand but if correct , so well and good.

I could not open your /etc/fstab, but to get your rom and writer
to work you need enties something like this,
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom2 auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

these will not give you supermount.

then in /mnt directory make sure you have
/mnt/floppy2  (if you have two floppy drives)

then on desktop rightmouseclick to create,each
of the devices, and in properties of each point to
the /dev files for each.

nothing else required in /etc/modules.conf



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ok my setup, i have the writer on hda and the reader on hdd.  Then i have a 40 mb hd on a promise 100 eide controler.  I only have 1 floppy, which works, and am confused about the second entry as well.  I do not have the mnt entires for either cd device nor can i get them to mount. I had already tried the 2 fstab lines you  had listed.  What it appears to me is the ide driver is only partially letting go of the drives.  I only see a scsi entry for the burner.  All i have in my dev/scsi..... (i think lun0 is the last subdir on a deap path) is scsi0 and generic. According to the directions on the cd-ram how to, if i want the devices to be seen under mnt i have to make a soft link to something.  It's that something i can't figure out as the something that the directions say to link to doesn't work....

I do not really understand this setup, is there any particular reason for
it, I mean the hda, hdd, and hde,  arrangement. I take it you have 2 ide lines,
and generally speaking, though not necessarily the rom/writer goes master and slave
on one line, and the hard drives on another, you don't seem to have this arrangement.
I guess this means I haven't come across it before but I would just like to know
why the unusual arrangement. Are any of these devices true scsi devices, because
to get writer programmes in linux to recognise most ide devices  scsi emulation is
employed , and indeed that is what hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi does for you, though
I add them to the append=  line in each stanza , rather than globally at the beginning.
However I note that even in the append= line for each stanza you have something
different, that is, hda=ide-scsi hdd-scsi, rather than hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi,
and I believe this is incorrect, and since it is the later entry in the whole business
of reading your lilo.conf entries I'm guessing these are the ones it is trying to implement.
Why not change these entries in each stanza to hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi and see
what happens, and while you are at it put the "i" in image as well, then run /sbin/lilo
and try again,


ok for the file it was not a cut and paste it was an include form file, which means it's part of the problem.  I'll reset the entries to what i orginally attempted and reload when i get home, thanks :)

As for my controlers.  I can actually mount 8 ide devices on my system. My motherboard has the standard dual chan controler built in, these are where the cd devices are attached.  I also hava an ata100 dual chan controler, it's i higher speed eide controler.  I hava an ata 100 ide hd so it's attached to the ata controler which maps in after the standard ones.  Makes it nice and there is a noticable speed difference with the ata controlers.

OK that sounds like it's good. Your situation was unusual to me , and I just wanted
to understand it better, when you come across something you don't understand
it's interesting. This ide conttoller, it's not anything to do with raid , its' a seperate
cotroller which can handle up to 8 ide devices, is that any type of ide device, or
just harddrives.  Anyway sounds as thought the hda, hdd, and hde are just fine.


Well actually the controler only handles 4 on 2 chans.  It's just a faster speed controler.  So i have 2 controlers on my motherboard, built in.  One handels the slower devices and one handels the faster ones. And yes the faster one is a full controler, if it's a standard ide device it will handel it.  You only get the speed boost with devices that are ata compat.  It's an asus motherboard, i'll post the model# when i get home if you're intrested. :)

I see , It's all beginning to make sense now. I expect mandrake makes sence of all this
by doing it hda,hdd,hde , that's fine.

right then when you get home repair the lilo.conf , run /sbin/lilo and restore the
rom entries in fstab and lets see what that does.


ok i got it working most of the way.  I see what my problem was.  Lilo is compiled and i had assumed it was outo compiled and not only on demand.  No wonder nothing seemed to work exactly the way i wanted it to.  Now my only problem is how to keep the system from locking my cd trays..... :)

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