On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 15:58, Dennis Myers wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 December 2002 09:38 pm, Ray Henry wrote:
> > > I think it's grate that every on can help other Linux user. Unlike
> > > Windows users Linux users stick to grate
> >
> > I have a theory on that...  :)
> >
> > My great theory is that there are so many levels in which one can get
> > involved in Linux that those using it are willing to spend time with the
> > newbies because one day, they may venture into a realm that is out of
> > their depth, and need help themselves....  :)
> >
> > OK, flame away!  <G>
> That may be part of it, but I believe that the people who venture in to linux 
> have open minds and a belief that the world is bad enough as it is so maybe 
> we can make it better with the OSS. Turn no one away, help all that we can.  
> This is a network of givers not greeders.  Bad english, bad english. Hehe.    
> You get my meaning?  :  )

Or it *could* be a vigilant fringe of oddballs with a chip on their
shoulders, willing to expend any amount of energy just to prevent Bill
Gates from getting another dollar!  LOL!

Ah, whatever it is, I'm sure everyone has their own reasons, and it's
all good...  :) Bad English or not..  ;>

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