On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 13:45, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
> Hi,
> On the website rpmfind.net there are RPMs which are *.noarc.mdk or *src.mdk. 
>   How are these different from other mandrake RPMs?
> And also - can I install Red Hat RPMs (non mdk.rpms) safely or not?
> Thanks,
> Andrei

SRC RPM's are SOURCE - which allows you to compile programs specifically
for your machine. Regular RPM's are precompiled binaries. RPM's that are
specified as "noarch" means that they're for any architecture.

I would not advise install RH RPM's on an MDK installation - or vice
versa - unless you REALLY know where the bins are going and what
directories are going to be affected.

Within an RPM, you have the ability to run scripts and the likes - hence
you can muck up your system horribly.

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