On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 03:04, Matt Harrison wrote:
> Hey all,
>     I have a MicronPC TransPort GX3 Laptop with a built in wireless 
> network card and a regular network card.  The wireless is setup as eth0 
> and the other is eth1.  I work in many different buildings and so far I 
> have been unable to gain internet access with the wireless card.  It 
> appears the only thing it is able to do is grab an IP address.  Is there 
> more I need to configure with it, because I didn't see anything else 
> about it.  Could the fact it shows up in the "Unknown" hardware list be 
> the problem.  I don't recall the make of it offhand, but on the website 
> it said it was linux compatable.  It looks like harddrake is detecting 
> it as a Lucent Technologies WaveLan/IEEE Adaptor runing the wvlan_cd 
> module.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Matt Harrison
> MMNet Technology Support

For it to be showing up in the "unknown" list, something obviously ain't
quite right...but if when you're booting up (or restarting networking)
it ain't hanging up, well, it might actually be working...

Have you tried manually restarting the service?
(i.e., service network --full-restart)

Thu Dec 19 07:30:00 EST 2002
  7:30am  up 57 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.57, 0.32, 0.34

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