Hope I can help out with this a little.  I don't have XP but i do run
win98 on my "main machine" dual boot with mandrake 8.2 and mandrake 9.0
on my "little puter"  What I had to do to get the networking done was
to:  Boot main machine to mandrake, added a simple rc.firewall script
for IP masquerading that i found on the net, rebooted.  Installed
mandrake 9.0 on the little puter while main machine was running
mandrake.  Network configuration during install on the little puter set
everything up just right the first try, didn't have to change anything
to get network access.  next, booted to windows and enabled Internet
Connection Sharing. rebooted.  The whole time, the little puter was
running in the background in the other room.
Now, even if I reboot the main machine I don't have to do anything to
the little puter to get network connections back... as soon as the OS on
the main machine loads, the network runs on both, and nothing on the
little puter locks up durring the main machine's reboot.  

Like I said, I don't have XP (and wouldn't) so I don't know how it
works, but I do know that it works fine with win98 with little problem.


On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 16:32, Charlie wrote:
> Howdy list mates;
> I'm positive this has been covered in agonizing detail multiple times but 
> there are a few issues that I need refreshed so I'll post the questions 
> again. I hope nobody minds.
> My downstairs neighbor bought a new tower (replaced a Celeron 366) based on:
> ECS K7SEM (yeah I know but he doesn't listen and has a WAY limited budget.) 
> Duron 850, running standard clock on o/c bus, running at 896 MHz no trouble, 
> no overheating.
> http://www.ecsusa.com/products/k7sem_v3.html (for board specs)
> 30 GB Maxtor 
> I don't have the partition table in front of me, sorry, but;
> XP Pro (NTFS first 6 GB), Mandrake 9.0 (/boot ext2, and / as ext3, usual 
> suspects on XFS, 12.+ GB), FAT 32 shared as /winshare (11.+ GB). Both OSes 
> seem content with that. 
> 384 MB PC 133 SDRAM
> connection: ADSL (using DHCP) access
> He's a "Windows kinda guy" unfortunately; but when I helped him set up his new 
> machine I "helped him decide" to give Mandrake 9.0 a try as a dual boot with 
> his Windows 98 SE. That was fun. :-( First partitioned the drive for the 
> different OSes (used disk drake from 'Drake 9.0 installer and made partitions 
> for Windows/sharing FAT32, installed 9.0) since he actually got an early 
> "present" of XP Pro and decided to triple boot. He's been running 98 SE 
> (comfort zone) and wanted to use that, 'learn' XP, plus learn Mandrake 9.0. 
> 98 SE is now dead, doesn't exist, it's _gone._ I got sick of arguing with it. 
> Dual boot is enough. He'll deal. 
> Or not.
> (sort of a workaround for WinXP arrogance/stupidity here)
> Everything was fine to the 'install XP' stage. At the first XP reboot after 
> identifying which partition to install on the installer kept starting over. 
> Lilo was also missing in action but I expected that and knew how to recover 
> it. But XP complained about "another Windows installation seems to be 
> present..." blah blah blah so I was forced to rescue lilo, change the /win 
> mount points (nuked 98 SE, edited FSTAB and LILO to reflect that and ident 
> the NT boot) rebooted, installed (first stage) XP, rebooted. Rescued lilo 
> *again*, just to get Windows to finish the install and *shut up.* That 
> worked. Finally. :-)
> All this after I remembered what order I had used when I made the users 
> originally. Ooops. ;-)
> Enough complaining. His son has access to an old Compaq Presario 7360 w/AMD 
> K62 500 MHz, 192 (added 128) MB SDRAM, 8.4 GB hdd, on-board everything. Blech!
> Now for the fun part;
> They want to network the two and share the DSL connection without spending a 
> ton (both on a very limited budget, son is unemployed/a student) on routers, 
> switches, hubs, etc.. I have available;
> a crossover cable, RJ45 shielded (+ shielded ends) long enough to connect, 
> enough NICs for a quorum,
> and (maybe) enough time.
> Unfortunately the XP machine has to be the 'router/gateway' for the network 
> they want. Hardware (MAC) addresses etc. One phone call to his ISP a day is 
> enough thanks. Help-desk personnel aren't overly helpful.
> In case anyone is wondering; I'll deal with the ISP for activation of another 
> IP address if/when it's needed so don't worry. I ain't doing this in "pirate 
> mode" since I'm the guy that refuses to even share music files with anyone 
> but my kids. They swipe my CDs in other words. <g> My neighbors just can't 
> afford a hell of a lot of additional hardware or software.
> Questions; The XP machine will have two network interfaces, eth0 (the 
> on-board) 
> for internet access, eth1 (D-Link are what I have available here) for network 
> connection using the crossover cable run to the other machine's eth0. That I 
> understand. 
> What if any 'additional' (other than Samba) software will be required to 
> interface (file share, share printer, scanner, drive[s]) XP with Mandrake 
> 9.0? 
> Also what  will I need to configure to keep from locking either machine up if 
> the other reboots to run a different OS or when 'updating' XP or 98 SE? 
> The Compaq has Windows 98 SE and will (soon) be booting Mandrake (8.2?, 9.0? 
> suggestions?) as well. The young feller wants to learn to use GNU/Linux; and 
> will probably spend the majority of his time in Mandrake. This would mean 
> even one lock-up when the father does something silly is unacceptable. Or 
> vice versa. Is this possible? Or do I have to convince him to invest in a 
> hub/switch or router? I'd really like not to have to try to convince them of 
> that. Hardware ain't cheap in Canada.
> Thanks for reading and sorry for the length. Any help or hints will be more 
> than welcome.
> Regards;
> -- 
> Charlie
> Edmonton,AB,Canada
> Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
> The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in
> the morning feeling just terrible.
>               -- Jean Kerr
> ----

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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