The kernel (which is what gives the name "Linux" to the operatinf system)
was written in C. You'll find that most applications for Linux are written
in C, as it's a very vesatile language (or so I'm given to understand,
I've yet to master it).

However, it's not the only language used.  Many programs are written in
C++ (a successor to C, I think mostly to add graphics capabilities), and
you may even encounter FORTRAN or Pascal.  Java is becoming a little more
widly used, and UNIX systems are full of shell scripts, usually written
for the Bourne Shell (/bin/sh).  Speaking of scripting, you'll also
probably see programs written in Tcl/Tk, Perl (i.e. DiskDrake), and

Of course, there are many more out there- this is just what I can think of
right off the top of my head.  I suppose, though, the answer you were
looking for was just that the Linux kernel, and most applications, were
written in C.

-Matt Stegman

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Joe Brault wrote:

> Sorry for the overly simple question... but can anyone tell me what
> language Linux was written in?  Thanks in advance and don't laugh too long
> and hard!
> Joe :)

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