Ok.. I'm stumped...

 I'm trying to build a raid-0 using a bunch of HD's.. I read the howto at
http://unthought.net/Software-RAID.HOWTO/  and read a bunch of docs. The
array is made of fo 10 disks. I know this may not be the best for
performance, but it really doesn't matter. It's just for data warehousing.
When I tried to build the array, it scrolled all 10 drives, then gave this

mkraid: aborted
(In addition to the above messages, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat as well
for potential clues.)

 So I did that... syslog says:
kernel: md: array md0 already exists!

then one second after that error, I get:
kernel: Device not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive.

I'm not sure if that particular error has anything to do with it, but I
suspect it does. So, then if I do cat /proc/mdstat I get:
Personalities :
read_ahead not set
md0 : inactive
unused devices: <none>

So then if I do raidstart --all, I get:
/dev/md0: already running.

 WTF? Is the thing working or not? What do I need to do to mount it to find

Any help, as always, appreciated. :)


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