On Tue, 2002-12-24 at 14:12, Robin Turner wrote:


> >> As an experienced Windows user with 12 years under my belt,
> >  (Quick, what MS windows release number was out in 1990?)
> Hey, I guessed right - 3.0!  ( 
> http://members.fortunecity.com/pcmuseum/windows.htm - the rest of the 
> site is pretty interesting too.)
> I was still using an Atari 1024 then.

And anyone remembering Windows 3.0, should also remember GPFs.  They
were the main feature of the new desktop BG ripped off from Apple's
Macintosh.  Too bad his developers didn't write the code for Windows 3.0
as well as they did the code for the Mac desktop. Also, anyone who
remembers Windows 3.0 probably won't use 'intuitive' in a sentence
describing it, either....ROFLWTIME....

Most of the time, I just booted into DOS and let Windows 3.0 sit idle. 
That way I could honestly say I didn't have any problems with it....<big


> Sir Robin


Linux User 288105 @ http://counter.li.org

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