On Wednesday 25 Dec 2002 12:05 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-12-25 at 10:39, Erik Farnsworth wrote:
> > And anyone remembering Windows 3.0, should also remember GPFs.  They
> > were the main feature of the new desktop BG ripped off from Apple's
> > Macintosh.  Too bad his developers didn't write the code for Windows 3.0
> > as well as they did the code for the Mac desktop. Also, anyone who
> > remembers Windows 3.0 probably won't use 'intuitive' in a sentence
> > describing it, either....ROFLWTIME....
> Windows 3.0 ran really great under OS/2 and under Desqview/X - but you
> couldn't run a BBS with it - so it went in the trash. OS/2 was great -
> cuz if the progman.exe died, it was just a program to kill - same with
> any Windows program that ran separately from Windows via the
> Presentation Manager. AND, the card games were at least
> nicer...(Seahaven)...Desqview/X was cute cuz you could run the 16 MS-DOS
> term sessions for the BBS whilst doing other DOS related things...(like
> playing door-games locally or chatting w/ those online).

I remember my friendly vendor telling me that he was greatly impressed by 
OS/2, much better than windows, but that with IBM marketing OS/2 and MS 
marketing windows it didn't stand a chance.  Lessons to be learned here!

> > Most of the time, I just booted into DOS and let Windows 3.0 sit idle.
> > That way I could honestly say I didn't have any problems with it....<big
> > grin>

I stuck with dos until I was forced into 3.1


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