On Wed, 2002-12-25 at 21:57, Colin Jenkins wrote:
> Hi all,
> The script below works ok from the command line but when I run it as a
> cron job, it starts ok, but stops after backing up a few directories.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? is it a bug with cron?
> btw, I'm using mdk9
> #!/bin/sh
> smbtar -s elendil -t /dev/st0 -x "stuff1" -v -i  -X System\ Volume\ Information
> mt -f /dev/st0 offline  
> -- 
> regards,
>  Colin        

You might want to give ownership of the cron job to root - so that it
will run no matter what - could be that when the job hits those
directories it's "chucking a wobbly" because of improper permissions.

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