On Thursday 26 December 2002 07:13 pm, you wrote:
> I'm just wondering, if I could see a show of "hands" so to speak - how many
> SCSI users have actually gotten their setups to work with Mandrake 9.0
> (download edition).
> I have an Adaptec 2930 PCI card with: Toshiba DVD, Plextor CDRW, and an
> Astra Umax scanner.
You actually got that to work with 8.2????  Right out of the box???  I think 
your card uses the adaptec AIC 7xxx_old driver, but version 8.2 shipped with 
Adaptec's new version as the default install.  The fix was to install the AIC 
7xxx_old version of the driver from an expert install.  Unfortunately, with 
my setup (onboard adaptec 2940, not PCI add-on) I couldn't get the old scsi 
driver to "take" with 8.2.   So, with that machine, I installed 8.0, and 
lived happily ever after.  Another machine with a 2940 clone pci (Advansys), 
works flawlessly in 8.2 without the "old" driver.

Anyway, I'm sure 9.0 also installs the AIC 7xxx driver by default, so have 
you tried installing the AIC 7xxx_old driver for your card?

Anyway, even with 8.2, the documentation about this problem was sorely 
lacking.  RedHat published the fix how-to for their distro, but the only 
thing I found from Mandrake was in the Mandrake Forum, and it didn't work for 
me, probably because of the scsi being on-board.

I know that doesn't help from the standpoint of your poll, but I thought some 
history about the Adaptec driver might be in order for some of the newer 
users.  I also would like to know how many people with the older Adaptec 
cards have had problems with 9.0.


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