On Saturday December 28 2002 10:37 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

> So I guess my choices are
> 1)  find an older, simpler distro for this box
> 2)  install 9.0 as dual boot on another box
> Right?
> Anne

  3) different kernel

   I ougth'a probly stay out'a this since I can't imagine why anybody 
would buy or keep a non-standard (x86) processor in the first place. 
Sell it to a confirmed Windoze 9.x user. First caveat is I have 
little experience with this cr@p.  I guess I'm only interested since 
I believe some of y'all are buyin new VIA-C3 cpu systems. Which are 
Cyrix, taken over by VIA since they were goin broke. That's what the 
'C' stands for in VIA-Cx, aka Eden.

   Cyrix processors are only 'sorta kind'a' i586 cpu's. They purport 
to be i586, but are only capable of many i486 functions, besides 
grossly overstating their Mhz capability.  They do achieve low 
performance and heat/wattage requirements tho. BD, Rob Peter to pay 
Paul. A better solution would be to underclock a Duron or Athlon.

   Gettin back to 3).  Latest kernels propose to recognize these 
deficient cpu's and make the neccessary compensations. I doubt your 
'1)' will work better, but might be worth a try. Older isn't a good 
bet tho, try RH 8.0, an 1386 distro. IIRC, Mandrake kernels, 2.4.20 
(latest cooker) might be your best bet for these junk cpu's. I 
believe they recognize them for what they are ... from what I've 
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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