On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 12:15, Angus Auld wrote:

> Thanks Stephen! That has worked on this side of the world too! My trash can now 
>shows open and closed ;-)
> Tell me this, does the water turn the opposite way when it swirls down the drain 
>there?? I've always wanted to ask that of someone on the "other side" of the Earth, 
>as it were. It rotates counter-clockwise here. :-)
> Thanks for the help once again....much appreciated. 
> All the best to you.
> --Angus

Mate, no worries - it's a quick-easy fix...

...and yes, due to gravitational forces, the water does go down the
other way - Coriolis effect - so it happens on any planet with
significant gravitation...I had to see it to believe it myself - so when
I first got here I used to "observe" the dishwater or drain water going
down...but it's something that the N.Hemisphere doesn't realize...and
actually, in this hemi, up is south, and north is down - hence, to go
north is to get warmer, to go south is to get colder...so instead of
saying "I went UP north", it should be "I went DOWN north"...and
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