On Monday 30 Dec 2002 2:59 pm, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
> Hi again Anne,
> Thanks for your help.  To be honest, I am a little nervous about using
> linuxconf as I have had problems in the past with linuxconf's configuration
> not being in sync with the configuration recorded in Mandrake's utilities
> (or the other way around).  Also - the "something like" in the suggested
> post makes me a little nervous too (that is a newbie's priviledge - is it
> not :-)
No problem.  Some of us have used linux for ages, but most of us are still 
newbies, really.  There are a few really experienced people on this list, 
though, so be patient, one of them will pick up if we don't get you sorted 

> As for seeing the date on a regular CD ROM on the drive, well, I could not
> even find the drive on /mnt or anywhere else.  Now, I have no problem
> living without the supermount, which already did cause me some problems,
> but I am unsure as to how to best disable it and then how to manually mount
> a CDRW (as a cdrom2?) inside /mnt?
Are you using KDE?  That's my desktop, so I tend to describe everything in kde 
terms.  First, the safest way to use supermount, if it is going to work at 
all, is to use the Removable media icon on the desktop, which opens like a 
folder with icons for each device.  You simply put in the disk, click on the 
icon, and you're away.  BUT, you will need to close the browse windows before 
you can take out the disk - it stays mounted until you do.  Occasionally it 
forgets to umount, so you have to right-click and select 'eject' which 
unmounts and ejects the disk.

> Could I not them rather then disableling the supermout simply try tying
> something like mount /mnt/cdrom2?  But I think I remember that to make this
> possible, I need to add some lines into my fstab, and that in turn, implies
> that I understand how to mount a USB device intop fstab which I do not at
> all...

>From this, I think I have been misunderstanding - this device is your second 
cdrom?  You already have an ide cd reader?  If so, we need to think again.  
Your log files suggest to me that it is mounting the usb device.  Can you 
look at /dev and list any entries that you find starting with cdrom or scd?

Once we have identified just how it is being seen, we will be able to sort out 
the mount problem.

> These are the small miseries of the newbies' life.

Hey, we all get them.  The one consolation is that you are not alone, and 
there are many people happy to help - even if most of them are busy with 
other things at this time of year :)


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