Were you using a compressed drive?  Did the drive require some sort of
overlay software like E-Z Drive?  Probably not if it was only 500MB.   But
you might be using overlay software with the large HD.

-----Original Message-----

>I was trying to install Mandrake Linux 6.0 on my system.  I currently have
>a 500m IDE harddrive as C: with Windows98 installed and a second 10gig
>drive with a 6gig
>partition as D:.  I was attemtping to install Linux on the second
>into the unsed
>space.  I was able to get Linux all the way into Disk Druid and actually
>setup the free space
>into various partitions and swap.  I told Disk Druid to exit and save the
>information when
>Disk Druid took and error writting the partition information and told me
>re-boot to continue.
>The re-boot got all the way to asking which CD-ROM drive to use (just like
>the first time) but now
>the install just spins the CD-ROM and then terminates. I never get the
>Druid or fdisk option again.
>I think something is still on the second harddrive fooling Linux into
>thinking the drive is ready.
>I lost the partition containing Windows98 and had to re-install Windows98
>and all my application
>during the process.
>I had the same problem ona machine at work the we were playing with the
>install on.  I removed the
>harddrive in the work machine after the install failed and put in another
>one and was able to install.
>After the box in the center of the screen that says "Initializing
>CD-ROM..." goes away I get the
>following error at the bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to clean up
>the drive so I can install
>without losing the D: drive?
> install exited abnormally -- received signal 11
> sending termination signals...done
> sending kill signals...done
> /tmp/rhimage
> /proc
> you may safetly reboot
>* using device hdc
>* mounting hdc on /tmp/rhimage as type ISO9660
>* creating directory /tmp/rhimage rc=0
>* calling mount(/tmp/hdc, /tmp/rhimage, ISO9660, -105820979, (nil))
>* removing device file /tmp/hdc
>* done here
>* method selection completed
>* state saved to /tmp
><4>scsi: 0 hosts
><4>scsi: detectd total
><4>partition check
><4>  hda : hda1
><4>  hdb : hdb1
><5>RAMDISK : Compressed image found at block 0
><4>VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem)
><4>hdb: lost interrupt
><4>hdb: drive_comp : ststua=0x58 {DriveReady, SeekComplete, DataRequest
><4>hdb: status error : ststua=0x58 {DriveReady, SeekComplete, DataRequest
><4>hdb: drive not ready for command
><4>hdc: drive_comp : ststua=0x51 {DriveReady, SeekComplete Error}
><4>hdb: status error : ststus=0x04 {DriveReady, SeekComplete, DataRequest
><4>hdb: drive not ready for command
><4>hdc: drive_comp : ststua=0x51 {DriveReady, SeekComplete Error}
><4>hdb: status error : ststus=0x04 {DriveReady, SeekComplete, DataRequest
><6>install uses obsolete /proc/pci interface
><7>ISO9660 extensions RRIP_1991A
>Thanks, Bob
>            HoP 4 Life
>ICQ: 5760810
>AOLIM: bobifmd

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