Ripcrd6 wrote:
> I finally started working on networking my machines.   I have one here at
> work I started setting up during lunch.
> This PC will be a dual boot Windows 95 and Mu Linux, the other two machines
> are a 100% Mandrake box and a Windows 95 box that may later be dual boot or
> 100% Linux.   I'm following some instructions for the Windows portion I
> found online, but have this question.   If this box will be in the mix with
> Linux, do I need to set up NetBEUI at all or as the default  file and
> printer sharing?   Is this what Samba replaces?   Should I completely
> remove NetBEUI or would it be used to communicate with the other Windows
> box?

You'll probably need NetBEUI on the clients if you're going to be
running Samba on the Linux server.  If you're not interested in Samba,
you could stick with straight TCP/IP for all machines.

> This is completely an experimental set up.   I am going through a second
> education as I didn't have these cool toys when I first went to college.
> How do you turn a former manager into a Sys Admin?   Give him Linux.   I
> just want to play with some stuff and see how to set up networking.
> Brian

Quite fun, isn't it?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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