Title: RE: [newbie] Java - lost it

Did you upgrade or do a fresh install. One of the features with 9.0 was supposed to be it's ability to upgrade over an older OS but I don't think that it works consistantly and may be you are better off with a clean install? Dennis M.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:56 AM
To: Mandrake
Subject: Re: [newbie] Java - lost it

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 16:57, erylon hines wrote:
> On Thursday 02 January 2003 12:44 pm, you wrote:
> > My installation is also from the discs and uninstalling and
> > re-installing didn't work for me.
> > Mozilla and Galeon crash when encountering applets;
> > Konqueror doesn't crash, but the applet freezes when it's 29% loaded;
> > Netscape still refuses to even acknowledge that java is loaded.
> >
> > Where to next??
> >
> > Rich
> There is a fairly high probablility that you have two java's installed, and a
> bad link to the *.so going (or, maybe no link at all).  Note that this must
> be a link to the javaplugin_oji.so, copying the *.so to the
> /usr/lib/netscape/plugins directory will NOT work--same for mozilla.
> Mozilla>Help>About plug-ins  shows the java that you have installed??
> (should be the Sun version)
> #java -version      returns what?  (Kaffee should be o.k., but you can
> uninstall it using the package manager and re-make your path to the Sun
> version as a last resort--since this is only for web browsers that shouldn't
> be necessary).  I'm trying to determine just what mods the rpm installer made
> to your directories and links.
> Everyone else reading this--I recommend that you use the version from
> Blackdown if you must have a JVM because it is a bzipped tarball and not a
> *.bin or rpm.  If you use tarballs you can have more control of the install. 
> Installing java ain't really hard--honest.
> 1.  Download the bz2 tarball and put it in /usr/local then cd to /usr/local
> 2.  Unpack it with the command  tar -xvvIf name_of_tarball   (note that is an
> "eye" not an "ell" -- a directory /usr/local/java_version_directory will be
> created)
> 3.  ln -s
> /usr/local/java_version_directory/plugin/i386/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so      
>    /usr/lib/mozilla plugins
> 4.  Repeat for netscape (note to use the proper plugin directory--moz and
> netscape are different)
> I don't use Galeon--you are on your own for that
> If you must have a real JVM for some 3rd party program (not very likely, but
> possible) remove Kaffee from your system.
> 1.  open /etc/profile with your favorite editor
> 2.  Add the line:     export  PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java_version_directory/bin
> (this sets the variable PATH to the previous PATH and adds the new line to it)
> 3. Add the line:       export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java_version_directory
> 4.  Reload /etc/profile
> If none of this works for you, I've exhausted my suggestions, but I assure
> you, it has worked for me.

Well, I've exhausted all of my possibilities, none of the java installs
will work, Sun or Blackdown or Netscape.  I've also noticed that
Konqueror file manager crashes sometimes when I click on a Mozilla
directory.  There's something very wrong with my installation.
Strangely, another computer that I upgraded (this one was a fresh
install) works perfectly!

Thanks to everyone for all of their efforts.



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