Todd Slater wrote:

On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 08:14:40AM +0000, Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 03 Jan 2003 7:37 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

Mark Weaver wrote:

Hi there,

I wish I had a dollar, (accounting for the current rate of inflation),
for every time I've seen this need addressed in these lists. Doesn't
anyone read the archives any more? ;)

If there was a way to request the archives to send us information by
email from a email query I am sure many of us would use the archives.
Unfortunately though many of us do not have either permanent or cheap
24/7 connections to the Internet.


If there were clear links to the archives and an easy way of searching them we would use them more. I haven't seen the archives for months - I never see any link to them and can't remember the url


If you use Mozilla or Phoenix (don't know about NS7) and haven't been
using custom keyword searching, now's the time to learn.

Just go to any site that has a search (like the newbie archives at, enter a dummy
search phrase like "coffee" (no quotes) and bookmark the results page.

Next, go to Bookmarks > Mangage bookmarks, and look at the properties of
the bookmark you just made. Locate the word "coffee" in the URL and replace
it with "%s" (no quotes). In the keyword field, enter a short phrase
you'll remember; I use "newb".

Now when I enter "newb boot hang cups" in the address bar I go directly to
the results page of a Mandrake newbie search on "boot hang cups".
Pretty cool!

I also have custom searches for,,,
sourceforge,, LDP, google (web, groups, images, and news) and
a few others. Very handy for URL's I'm always forgetting/misplacing.


Tnx Todd for letting us know of the available custom searches however it still does not provide a solution enabling a user to submit an email query querying the archive for particular specified words.


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