On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 6:17 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> On Sunday 05 January 2003 19:18, you wrote:
> > Damian, HOW did you get to the point in your Linux experince that you
> > found out he answer to Walt's question?
> > What are good ways to learn this stuff to get to the point of helping
> > others? Keith
> Hi.
> Well, i don't consider myself a very experienced Linux user yet,
> as most of the posts i read here generate answers or comments
> that often exceed my experience.
> I probably have a considerable amount of experience dealing
> with the more "common" apps since this is the use i'm trying
> to give to my computer.
> I live with my parents, and the occasional
> visit from my sisters who might want to open an excell spreadsheet,
> or a video file.
> Since my family is, of course, only familiar with Windows, my effort
> to keep Linux installed on this computer has led me to the need
> to make stuff as dumbed-down as possible. As an example,
> one day i was asked "how do i copy a CD in Linux?".. After
> making a swift attempt to explain superuser mode, cdrecord,
> cdparanoia and whatnot, i ended up making an alias for it. Something
> like:
> alias burn-audio-cd="su;cd tmp;rm -rf ./*.wav;cdparanoia -B;cdrecord -audio
> -v -dev=0,3,0 speed=12 ./*.wav"
> so my sister only had to open up a shell, type burn-audio-cd and enter
> a password, and everything was done by itself.
> Of course, all those parameters i used, (the actual fact of making the
> alias itself) came from a lot of "man" reading, and simply trying to make
> my computer work.
> I guess i do nothing special, just try to make my computer work
> for me and my family, and in the meantime, i get to learn a lot about it.
> I dream about being able to use what i'm learning to help make a Linux
> distribution (maybe help Mdk)... maybe someday in the future. Who knows.
> Damian

Hey - whatever works for you and yours.  Personally I use lots of gui apps, 
not because they're dumbed down, particularly, but because I generally need 
to get a job done.  I then try to learn all I can in between.

BTW, I copy cds through xCDRoast - a gui app, and easy to learn.


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