Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Tuesday January 7 2003 02:03 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

I have since last message got the pre9 compiled and on and
working quite well as gmplayer and mplayer but it stalls in
mencoder says something about not having libmp3lame installed.

libmp3lame0-3.93.1-1plf rpm. You can get it and just about anything you need for mplayer at Take a look. There's many additional rpms (codecs, libs, DVD stuff, etc) ... and the rpms put them in the right places ;)

I thought these mplayerpre9's etc were supposed to be pretty much
self contained tar balls , doesn't seem like it . not so Polished
output and
all that. I must say M8.2 and mplayer pre5 where I came in with
installing mplayer was much easier to install. M9 doesn't seem to
suit any of these current "pre" releases very much.

If you read the mplayer list, the mplayer team is constantly saying to use the current CVS, not release versions, even the current one. I'm currently usin the cooker (on cooker 9.1) rc2 mplayer rpms, but the plf rpms work just as well, and have some things included that Mandrake can't legally ship. IMO, the only reason to compile from tarball, is to test or use the CVS.

I take it


is an rpm install , what's the chance of clashing with
my existing tar ball installs ?

Unless you used a ./configure option of '--prefix=/usr', the tarballs should have put mplayer binaries in /usr/local/bin/. The Mdk or plf rpms will put them in /usr/bin/. Ocaisionally I compile from mplayer CVS using the --prefix=/usr option, overwriting current rpm installs of mplayer. Conversely, I've installed Mdk or plf rpms over a tarball mplayer install .... all without problems. If you've got mplayer in /usr/local/, I believe it would be sufficient to just delete the /local/ stuff. You could probly also leave 'em, you'll just have to versions of the binaries installed. Then just be careful which you call when you run mplayer, ie, full path to the binary.

FWIW, I've usually had the best results usin rpms, and never a problem with mplayer on several different Mandrake versions since 7.x. There were no Mandrake-mplayer problems on 9.0 either, even when 9.0 was in beta (8.3).

Thanks Tom,
I'm almost there with the tar balls , mplayer-20021224.tar.bz2 being
the CVS version I'm meddling with. I found out that I was previously
trying to compile with some additional packages missing, once
they were installed I was able to compile without error1 messages.

Gmplayer and mplayer work just fine.

However I still have this libmp3lame problem which is holding back
mencoder from working.

Now I went to the site mentioned above and downloaded,
and was told it clashes with another package already
installed on /usr/lib/
and /usr/lib/

these being present I would of thought they qualify as being
the appropriate requirement, but if so the compiler fails to find them.
Is there any way I can tell the compiler to find them at this address ?

currently I use these commands to compile,

cd directory sources
./configure --enable-gui --cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.2 2>/root/Desktop/el1
make 2> /root/Desktop/el2
make install 2>/root/Desktop/el3

note the compiler is gcc-2.2 and not as packagemenager has it , gcc-3.2-1
which threw me off to begin with.

If I can solve this problem I'm sure I will be there.



John Richard Smith

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