On Wednesday January 8 2003 10:40 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

> >   FWIW, I've usually had the best results usin rpms, and never a
> >problem with mplayer on several different Mandrake versions since
> >7.x. There were no Mandrake-mplayer problems on 9.0 either, even
> > when 9.0 was in beta (8.3).
> Thanks Tom,
> I'm almost there with the tar balls , mplayer-20021224.tar.bz2
> being the CVS version I'm meddling with. I found out that I was
> previously trying to compile with some additional packages missing,
> once they were installed I was able to compile without error1
> messages.
> Gmplayer and mplayer work just fine.
> However I still have this libmp3lame problem which is holding back
> mencoder  from working.
> Now I went to the site mentioned above and downloaded,
>  libmp3lame0-3.93-0.20021107.1plf.i586.rpm
> and was told it clashes with another package already
> installed on /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0.0.0
> and           /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0
> these being present I would of thought they qualify as being
> the appropriate requirement, but if so the compiler fails to find
> them. Is there any way I can tell the compiler to find them at this
> address ?
> currently I use these commands to compile,
> cd directory sources
> ./configure --enable-gui --cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.2  2>/root/Desktop/el1
> make 2> /root/Desktop/el2
> make install 2>/root/Desktop/el3
> note the compiler is gcc-2.2  and not as packagemenager has it  ,
> gcc-3.2-1 which threw me off to begin with.
> If I can solve this problem I'm sure I will be there.

    Well, I suspect it's your ./config options, not gcc.  MOF, I've 
never need either --cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.2 or  2>/root/Desktop/el1.
mplayer compiles just fine with Mandrakes gcc > 2.96. It even did then 
as long as  --disable-gcc-checking  was used. I always need to check 
the mplayer docs or run './configure --help' to figure out what 
options to add, and there's a few that are documented yet.

    IRRC, somethin like './configure --prefix=/usr --with win32 
something, --with qtx codecs something was what I used. 'Course 
you'll need to check that syntax ;) ... and have the various libs and 
codecs installed before you compile, otherwise mplayer won't find 
'em. I got tired of fooling with all the current config options and 
now just use the rpms ;)  Then too, the CVS isn't guaranteed to 
compile, tho it usually does. Latest as of today is 20030108, so you 
might wanna quit foolin with that old one you've got. IIRC, most of 
the bugfixs in CVS are currently for DVD's and mencoder, but I don't 
use either (so what'a I know ;)

    One thing tho, if you tried, even unsuccesfully to compile 
mplayer, then in the mplayer src dir, delete 'config.h' before you 
try again. Also, I always run ./configure and make as user, only 
su'ing to root for make install (as with all tarballs).
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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