On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 01:15, Anne Wilson wrote:
> I know I have seen some documentation on sharing a printer with Windows, but I 
> can't find it.  I have the printer set up in samba, and it is seen on the 
> windows box OK.  Now I need to know what to do at the win98 end.  Can anyone 
> point me at suitable docs?
> Anne

Open up START / SETTINGS / PRINTERS and do the "Add Printer" for network
- when asked for drivers, do a local installation with the drivers for
that printer. Don't print a test page or anything until the whole
schlmeal is done - then you can test it.

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* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Q:      What do you call a WASP who doesn't work for his father, isn't a
        lawyer, and believes in social causes?
A:      A failure.

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