On Friday 10 Jan 2003 10:17 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Friday 10 January 2003 20:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Friday 10 Jan 2003 8:09 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
> > > >and for those of us who have never done anything like this before -
> > > > some guidance please.  I propose to get rid of 8.2, keeping 9.0 and
> > > > install a test distro to the newly empty partition.  Is that right?
> > > >
> > > >Anne
> > >
> > > It's pretty straight forward.
> > > The only thing I would caution you with is about
> > > is installing lilo.
> > > The new OS will expect you to overwrite your old lilo and adopt it's
> > > lilo.conf , but since it's only a test OS , you don't really want it
> > > to do that , so I personally don't install lilo at all on the test OS
> > > install, but I do make a boot floppy, just in case.
> > > Then boot to M9.0 Desktop and use it's lilo install and lilo.conf
> > > to make your entries for booting M9.1, and  this has
> > > the added advantage that if you messup  it's easy
> > > to remake the entries, your not temparily locked out.
> >
> > I feel quite wimpish, but I'm not really clear about this.  I thought
> > lilo would be written automatically, with the test distro as just one of
> > the entries.
> >
> > a)  Are you saying this is too dangerous?
> Installing the 9.1 lilo will probably destroy (or at the very least:mess
> up) your 9.0 Lilo. Thus you wouldn't be able to boot in there (9.0) again
> as you did before. You'd need a boot floppy or some other rescue-disc to
> get that fixed again.
> It's not a permanent sort of disaster, just a nuisance.
> > b)  Just what do you have to do to avoid it?
> Don't install lilo when asked.
> Use the 9.1 floppy for booting itself or add an entry in the 9.0 lilo for
> it. You'll have to point it to the right "/" partition and copy the right
> 9.1 kernel image (vmlinuzxx.xx) to the /boot directory.
> You can find it in the 9.1 /boot directory.
> As example here's my /boot:
>  [harm@triade1 harm]$ ls /boot
> boot.0300                kernel.h-2.4.19-16mdk    System.map.pre-win4lin@
> config@                  map                      System.map.win4lin
> config-2.4.19-16mdk      message@                 us-latin1.klt
> grub/                    message-graphic          vmlinuz@
> initrd-2.4.19-16mdk.img  message-text             vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdk
> initrd.img@              System.map@              vmlinuz-2.4.19-xfs*
> kernel.h@                System.map-2.4.19-16mdk  win4lin
> In there you can see the "vmlinuz-2.4.19-xfs*" which is the image for the
> "freeduc" (came with the January edition of LInuxFormat) distrib I copied
> to my HD.
> The entry in /etc/lilo.conf for it looks like this:
>        read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
>         label=failsafe
>         root=/dev/hdc1
>         initrd=/boot/initrd.img
>         append="devfs=nomount failsafe"
>         read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-xfs
>         label=freeduc
>         root=/dev/hda1
>         read-only
>         vga=791
> This way you can run and boot as many linux-versions & -sorts your HD's can
> handle. You can even have them share partitions.
> Good testing,
> HarM

Thanks to all who've answered.  I think I'll be OK now.


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