Dennis Myers wrote:

On Sunday 12 January 2003 06:56 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:

3) Bootloader refused non install , insisted on being installed

4) refused opportunity to create boot disc

5) upon reboot , found lilo had not been installed after all,though
it certainlyleft you the impression it had.

I ALWAYS use an expert install (press f1 when the cdrom first boots and at
boot: type expert) since it gives one more options. lilo can be installed
on the first sector of the boot partition (hda7 in your case), boot disk
option is available.


I used expert install on my second harddrive with cdrom as secondary slave and ide0 disabled. Install was flawless, except I couldn't get kmail to work (might have been firewall problem if I could find the firewall) sound card is recognized but can't find the volume control, it is very sparse for apps with only one cd. Oh yeah, I forgot that I had hdc mounted on my main hda and so when it changed the partitions with the OS install on hdc my hda boot up install failed on errors on /dev/hdc1, couldn't get a recovery so had to reinstall and wipe /usr and the /hdc1 and /hdc6 partitions to get hda back. Dumb mistake. Any hoo, I am not thrilled with the default KDE icons colors etc and wish I knew why kmail can recieve but not send. Said that senders address was missing a ? can't remember. Will try again on beta 2. Charge on,

Yep, I think its going to be an f1 expert install next time.


John Richard Smith

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