I have installed Mandrake 6.1 (replacing cassini) and am impressed with
how stable it is. Good work. There is just one tiny item that I miss.
The cassini 'wide open hard drive' icon that was the default user mount
icon for any FAT partitions on the drive. The icons (well two icons, one
for the mounted partition and a different one for the unmounted
partition) were probably in /usr/share/icons.

If anybody could dredge up those two icons and either post them, or mail
them directly, I would appreciate it.

The second missing item is a small utility called vidtune. I do not
recall if it was on M6.0 or if I am remembering it from my RH5.3 days. .
. At any rate, it vas very useful for tweaking you video adjustments. I
have looked at freshmeat, newlinuxburg, tucows and even searched with
altavista. It is nowhere in sight. Does anybody know its fate?

Thank you in advance.  John

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