Hi Anne,

I have considered the idea. However, a cat on these two files show that they are similar to /etc/passwd, they both belong to root and are both read-only for all others, look:

[andrei@localhost etc]$ ls -lac gtmp ptmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 635 Jan 13 10:47 gtmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1365 Jan 13 10:47 ptmp

are you absolutely sure that these are non-critical files? Who created them in the first place, userdrake? If they are something which is created when something goes wrong - which files are they a backup for and would it not be reasonable to assume that since they were created they are now needed? If they are temp files should they not be located in one of the /tmp?

Also - do you know what the link is between my userdrake problems and my linuxconf and remadmin and _XmAcceleratorHandler warning messages?

Thanks for your time and help (and sorry for the long posting)!

Top posting - as it's such a long message that probably should all be quoted
Have you tried deleting /etc/ptmp or /etc/gtmp or both if both exist? They
are temp files that get left behind if something goes wrong, and won't damage
anything else.


On Tuesday 14 Jan 2003 3:20 pm, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
> Hi,
> I already was having some problems with the mandrake control center before.
> When I was trying to do anything with it, it was systematically telling me
> that "changes made in this module will not be recorded" (or some very
> similiar message). Yesterday, however, things got nastier.
> I wanted to add one user to a group and, as usual, got the "changes in this
> module etc.." message. I tried saving twice. Then I exited for a while and
> came back to see if the changes I wanted were in fact recorded or not. And
> when I tried to enter the "users" module I got the following message:
> UserDrake - Error
> Cannot lock user lib,
> file /etc/ptmp or /etc/gtmp exist
> in the console the following message appeared:
> ** WARNING ** userdrake: the file password is busy (/etc/ptmp present)
> the file /etc/ptmp was present on my system (but was it "busy"?!), but
> since it was a root.root -rw------ file I did not want to mess with it,
> much less so removing it.
> I decided to try linuxconf to see if its users-management module worked.
> In the past, linuxconf did load with no problems. This time, however, I
> got the following message:
> Error message from remadmin :Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Error message from remadmin :Xlib: No protocol specified
> Error message from remadmin :
> Error message from remadmin :
> Error message from remadmin :Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0
> same thing when trying userconf.
> linuxconf now can only be loaded through the console outside X (alt-ctrl-F1
> for ex).
> And finally, I got this warning:
> root@localhost andrei]# XmManager _XmAcceleratorHandler: being destroyed,
> bad news!!!
> XmManager _XmAcceleratorHandler: bad news!!!
> XmManager _XmAcceleratorHandler: being destroyed, bad news!!!
> WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Has userdrake/mcc destroyed something important on
> my system? Can I re-install only userdrake/mcc? Should I? What is
> happening to my linuxconf and why does it not load in X?
> And finally - should I consider the entire Mandrake Control Center as
> unreliable and potentially a source of chaos on my system? I realize that
> I can always use command-line user management tools (useradd or adduser),
> but it would be rather frustrating to give up on one of Mandrake's most
> important tools...
> Thanks for any help,
> Andrei

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