On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 23:52, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
>   But, obviously, HTML should be avoided.
> Yes, and I want to download 9.1 with Xmodem. Anybody got mandrake's
> modem number? 
KERMIT, man, KERMIT. Where ;you been? Zmodem sucks, Xmodem sucks.
Kermit, dude. And do you want the BBS number, or do you want to download
it in 1.44mb chunks uuencoded and lha'd?

> Support your local bulletin board, shun the Internet with it's new
> fangled formats and protocols. We got as far as we need to go in 1986.
> Who needs java, mp3, or avi. We have a dancing ASCII cursor!

...same with that mouse crap. That's definitely never going to become
popular. Or a monitor that requires more than 256k colors...OR exceeds
14"...terrible waste that!

> I swear, we should just move this list to FIDO. I think I still have a
> copy of WildCat! BBS lying around here somewhere. Then we can be done
> with all this new fangled mumbo-jumbo.
VBBS! VBBS version 5! Yeeehaw! I can do all the RIP graphics! I can gate
FIDO into VFIDO! AND gate usenet into both with WAFFLE!

> TradeWars 2002 anyone? ;)
HHGTTG, mate...and PimpWars...

> ~Brandon
Wed Jan 15 23:55:01 EST 2003
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* linux user:267497 * RH 7.3+ * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

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the world is fixed.
                -- Frank Deford, sports writer

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