On Thursday 16 January 2003 05:34 pm, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 15:11, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > I was downloading the update rpms today and my wife complained about how
> > slow her surfing was. We share a cable connection through a scratch built
> > firewall machine running IPcop.  Here's the newbie question, what do I
> > need to do to make the system share equally the moderate bandwidth that
> > we have? Am I going to have to get a router? Or, is there a handy dandy
> > way to do it with linux? I've been googling linux and not finding much,
> > probably using the wrong search terms.  Any and all advice is
> > appreciated.
> > --
> > Dennis M.  linux user # 180842
> That would be tough to dynamically balance bandwidth between two systems
> without some type of extra device. What you can do tho, is throttle your
> bandwidth. Check out larc.org.
Yea, I was afraid of the answers.  Well, I am going to check on the cost of 
doubling my bandwidth and look in to throtling my comp before my wife 
throttles me. I tried the larc.org and could not find a website.  Other 
larc.net and a gazillion other larcs didn't look like what I needed. Thanks 
for the help guys, I will fit this into figuring out how to do video capture 
and editing. What fun!
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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