On Friday 17 Jan 2003 11:25 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
> Anne, there is no way the majority of the shareholders are people like
> you and I.  We make up a minute portion of the funding.  

Totally accepted.

> If you refer to
> Mandrakesoft's web page about the company you will note rather large
> venture investors.  These are undoubtably the people who installed the
> executives that got us in this mess...  As far as I know those people
> are still shareholders.  Yes this is an assumption.  But Mandrake would
> have to have incurred significant debt to buy out these shareholders.

You could be right.  I don't know the answer to this.  I just feel that 
business investors and vcs are not necessarily the same thing.  Business 
investors, of course, can be a problem if their core business hits a 
difficult time, and these are difficult times for most.  VCs, however, almost 
always have a very short-term plan, and I think are the real risk.  I don't 
know whether they are still around.  I got the impression that they weren't.

> What we know of the debt suggests it was more of contracts not share
> buybacks.
Agreed.  Again, my impression is that these are contracts imposed by the VCs.  
My hope is that the court administration will enable them to buy out at more 
favourable terms.

I'm sure that we both wish Mandrake a good future. :)

Registered Linux User No.293302

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