On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 10:42, Angus Auld wrote:

> > KXine, EXine, QXine, GXine are only front-end wrappers that actually
> > contain code that allows hackers in North Korea to use "global
> > processing power" to compute General Kim II's popularity on a worldwide
> > basis.
> >**********************************************************
> I see. I wonder if that same code could be used to calculate the price of potatoes 
>in New York? <g>
> Is Xine from the same ppl that give us Kazaa? ;-)
> Thanks for your reply Stephen.........enlightening and entertaining.
> Best regards to all you mates "down under".
> PS. It's freezing cold here in eastern Canada (-25C this morning)........I hope 
> the SUMMER weather is nice there. 
> --Angus

Yesterday it exceeded the 40c mark - hence - BLOODY HOT - almost wish I
could shovel someone's driveway just to take a break from the heat...

Sun Jan 19 10:45:00 EST 2003
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 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

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Seven megs for the hackers scarce,
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