On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Philp wrote:

> Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> > 
> > I'd be changeing my passwords right now. kind defeats the purpose of
> > shadow passwords if you sent it across a mailing list..
> It'd take years to decrypt that MD5 hash back to a usable password. 
> That's sorta the point of using the MD5 over the normal crypting.

I've seen way to many specialty machines lately to trust any form of
encryption. Just ask the boys n girsl over at the distributed.net or
seti@home how much idle cpu there is out there, and our buddies up in
redmont makeing wonderfull api that allows things like B.O.  But as always
the only secure pc is one disassembled and strewn about the planet in
unmarked tombs...
> > On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Lambert, Stephen : CO IR wrote:
> > 
> > > well, your are right about using shadow passwords! (default authentication
> > > settings during install)
> > >
> > > /etc/shadow
> > > root:$1$8H9lif10$fvhxrR2F45ZCabMfph7EA0:10854:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134537896
> > > test:$1$owwnI1m0$boC2hy9UBooW0ib4Pph0i.:10855:1:99999:7:0::135223440
> > >
> > > what do I change user test to?
> > >
> > > Stephen.
> > >

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