On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Gustavo Viola wrote:
> These links may help anyone who is into "managing microwaves" through Linux:
> http://sdcc10.ucsd.edu/~swbrown/ppower/index.html
> http://members.home.net/ncherry/
> AFAIK, these home automation software can already switch lights on and off
> (and even dim them!) but I could not find any specific info about  microwave
> ovens.  But if all you want to use the microwave for is making coffee, try:
> http://members.home.net/ncherry/common/Coffee/Coffee.html
> Thatīs the How-to Coffee homepage.  Unfortunately, I could not find any info
> about Linux lawmowners or walk-the-dog devices.   An alternative technique
> would be the long-term strategy of adding new family members and have them
> do the job for you in exchange for allowances.  Allowances expenditure can
> be managed with Gnucash (http://www.gnucash.org/).
> As for "chix" I recommend:
> http://www.girlgeeks.com/
> and
> http://www.geekgirls.com/mainmenu.htm
> Good luck,
> /Gustavo.

--That's it! Gustavo wins the all time "No Life Internet Surfing Award." It must
have taken you hours to find this stuff. The worst part is, these links really
_DO_ exist. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**It was gonna be done in Septober,
  then Octember, now it's Novunder.**

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